We give feedback

We know that constructive and appreciative feedback helps us improve every day irrespective of the function we work in.

To enable this, we create a protected and trusting environment.
We accept open, positive feedback as well as constructive criticism. We see this as an opportunity to learn and grow together. We act as equals and always assume one acts with good intentions.

We support each other by actively giving feedback on our performance and the way we work together. Our feedback culture at FIEGE also includes taking the time to reflect on feedback and working on our potential.

“Without feedback I wouldn’t be where I am today. It’s very important that we give each other honest feedback that helps us grow personally and work together well and pleasantly.”

Differentiate between mistakes and acknowledge those that are based on well contemplated assumptions.

Support the development of your colleagues through regular, systematic feedback.

Create an open feedback culture within the team.

Give feedback at every appropriate opportunity: timely, situation-specific and structured.

Allow everyone to ask for and give feedback.

Actively request feedback on your performance.

Reflect on feedback received and take the time to process and implement it.

Request feedback as a personal conversation in a private setting.

Express your feedback openly, honestly and appreciatively to everyone– from the trainee to the board.

Give feedback at eye level.


Support the development of your colleagues through regular, systematic feedback.

Create an open feedback culture within the team.

Give feedback at every
appropriate opportunity:
timely, situation-specific and structured.

Allow everyone to ask for and give feedback.

Express your feedback openly, honestly and appreciatively to everyone – from the trainee to the board.

Request feedback as a personal conversation in a private setting.

Reflect on received feedback and take the time to process and implement it.

Actively request feedback on your performance.

FIEGE Lead-O-Meter
The Lead-O-Meter: Your chance to give your leader anonymous feedback.

The FIEGE Compass is not only at the heart of leadership and collaboration at FIEGE, it also forms the basis of our Lead-O-Meter.

Using this tool, you can give your leaders feedback on each of the six dimensions of the FIEGE Compass – voluntarily, regularly and anonymously.

This gives them the opportunity to develop themselves further and create an even better environment for you. You can get started as soon as the Lead-O-Meter is available at your location!